Afc Urgent Care Gloucester Township

Afc Urgent Care Gloucester Township is an Urgent Care Clinic which accepts walk-in patients in Clementon, NJ for the treatment of common medical issues outside of a traditional emergency department. We recommend calling them at 856-644-5757 to confirm their hours of operation and acceptance of walk-in patients.

Featured Procedure Costs Afc Urgent Care Gloucester Township

Procedure Price Range
Intermediate Suture of Skin Cut $370 - $875 Free Quote
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Featured Reviews
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Not recommended Not Recommended
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0 stars
There are no words to explain how lousy this place is. I had reported then twice for pretending to diagnose me and still attempting to bill my health insurance, which is fraud. And if you get there an hour before closing, they give you a song and dance about how you are just fine while refusing to perform testing or even an adaquat conversation. I've met the most bummiest and and sloppiest "so called" physicians in this make pretend doctors office lol....They are the Fox News of news....Pityful !!
0 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
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0 stars
There are no words to explain how lousy this place is. I had reported then twice for pretending to diagnose me and still attempting to bill my health insurance, which is fraud. And if you get there an hour before closing, they give you a song and dance about how you are just fine while refusing to perform testing or even an adaquat conversation. I've met the most bummiest and and sloppiest "so called" physicians in this make pretend doctors office lol....They are the Fox News of news....Pityful
0 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
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0 stars
There are no words to explain how lousy this place is. I had reported then twice for pretending to diagnose me and still attempting to bill my health insurance, which is fraud. And if you get there an hour before closing, they give you a song and dance about how you are just fine while refusing to perform testing or even an adaquat conversation. I've met the most bummiest and and sloppiest "so called" physicians in this make pretend doctors office lol....They are the Fox News of news....Pityful
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Procedure Price Range
Intermediate Suture of Skin Cut $370 - $875 Free Quote
0 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
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0 stars
There are no words to explain how lousy this place is. I had reported then twice for pretending to diagnose me and still attempting to bill my health insurance, which is fraud. And if you get there an hour before closing, they give you a song and dance about how you are just fine while refusing to perform testing or even an adaquat conversation. I've met the most bummiest and and sloppiest "so called" physicians in this make pretend doctors office lol....They are the Fox News of news....Pityful !!
0 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
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0 stars
There are no words to explain how lousy this place is. I had reported then twice for pretending to diagnose me and still attempting to bill my health insurance, which is fraud. And if you get there an hour before closing, they give you a song and dance about how you are just fine while refusing to perform testing or even an adaquat conversation. I've met the most bummiest and and sloppiest "so called" physicians in this make pretend doctors office lol....They are the Fox News of news....Pityful
0 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
by on
0 stars
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0 stars
0 stars
There are no words to explain how lousy this place is. I had reported then twice for pretending to diagnose me and still attempting to bill my health insurance, which is fraud. And if you get there an hour before closing, they give you a song and dance about how you are just fine while refusing to perform testing or even an adaquat conversation. I've met the most bummiest and and sloppiest "so called" physicians in this make pretend doctors office lol....They are the Fox News of news....Pityful
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Below are summary ratings designed to give you a quick view into how Afc Urgent Care Gloucester Township compares when it comes to the quality of the care they provide, the service levels as rated by patients like you, and the value they offer in regards to the cost of care.

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