Financial District Foot and Ankle Center

Financial District Foot and Ankle Center Logo
222 Front Street, 6th Fl San Francisco, CA 94111

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Financial District Foot & Ankle Center San Francisco provides high-quality, affordable lower extremity imaging to get you back in the game and to reach your potential. No other private clinic in Northern California offers the same technology, expertise or accessibility as FDFAC. Our dedicated extremity MRI provides a relaxing patient experience, thanks to its unique ergonomics and open design.

Featured Procedure Costs Financial District Foot and Ankle Center

Procedure Price Range
MRI Shoulder, Arm, Wrist, Hand (Upper Extremity) $450 - $750 Free Quote
MRI Foot, Ankle, Leg, Hip (Lower Extremity) $450 - $750 Free Quote
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Below are summary ratings designed to give you a quick view into how Financial District Foot and Ankle Center compares when it comes to the quality of the care they provide, the service levels as rated by patients like you, and the value they offer in regards to the cost of care.

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