Womens Imaging and Intervention

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17050 Pilkington Rd Suite 130 Lake Oswego, OR 97035

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Womens Imaging & Intervention (WII) is committed to providing individualized, innovative, state-of-the-art healthcare to women. Our center offers treatment of the whole woman, including breast and other female imaging services. Our Radiologists, Dr. Amy Thurmond and Dr. Robert Seapy, have been community leaders in women’s imaging for over 30 years. The Radiologists as well as the Technologists are closely involved in the diagnostic exam of each patient. WII is unique in that every mammogram is read by the Radiologist at the time of the appointment. The woman can be given her results and has the opportunity to ask questions. If additional imaging is being recommended, this can be scheduled at the same time and often performed on the same day if you agree. This includes breast MRI and imaging guided breast biopsy. If a referral to a breast specialist is needed there is an on-site Breast Surgeon that the patient can see upon your request.

Featured Procedure Costs Womens Imaging and Intervention

Procedure Price Range
Pregnant Ultrasound $110 - $240 Free Quote
Abdominal Ultrasound $110 - $230 Free Quote
Pelvic Ultrasound $130 - $280 Free Quote
Breast Mammogram - Both Breasts (Mammogram) $110 - $230 Free Quote
Breast Mammogram - One Breast (Mammogram) $70 - $160 Free Quote
Head and Neck Ultrasound $100 - $220 Free Quote
Breast Ultrasound $90 - $180 Free Quote
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